A blog about my adventures as a teacher and a traveler.
At the moment, my focus is on two trips to the village of Pommern, Tanzania,
in Africa with the organization Global Volunteers -- one in 2010 and one in 2012.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

That First Awkward Post

I decided to make another step in the technological age and create a blog. I've long considered blogs an invasion of privacy. Who would want to post their personal lives online for the viewing pleasure of the whole world? But then I realized it's also a way of being able to self-publish stories you are willing and even *want* to share with others.

I graduated from college in 2006 and am now in my third year teaching high school math in the Midwest. I had for many years been very good about keeping track of my "stories of the day" in a journal/diary, but I was so busy the first year I taught that I got out of the habit and haven't gotten back into it. I had so many crazy stories during my first year that my mom told me I should be writing them down to publish in a book one day. Lack of time kept me from doing that, and I regret it now. Hopefully this will be a way of not losing those memories in the future.

I intend to use this blog for two purposes -- stories about teaching and stories about traveling. Teaching defines me. I spend a lot of time preparing, grading, etc. on top of the normal school day. I love my job and the opportunity it gives me to connect with my students. There are often moments of frustration -- usually during my 5th period class! -- but I haven't had a day yet this year that I would consider a "bad day." (Knock on wood....)

I also really like to travel. I didn't have an opportunity to do much of it growing up -- my family just didn't take vacations. But I have been trying to broaden my horizons as an adult and will share some of those experiences in future entries.

In any case, here ends that awkward first post. There will be more less-awkward posts to come!

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